Spider Control and Prevention Solutions
LIBERTY PEST SERVICES is spinning a web of safety for their customers as they fearlessly navigate tangled webs with our spider control services. With their expert team and cutting-edge solutions in spider pest control, they are ready to squash any arachnid invasions and keep homes critter-free. Next time you see a spider, just call LIBERTY PEST SERVICES and let them handle the eight-legged intruders with ease!

Common House Spiders
Houses can harbor a variety of spider species, some of which are more commonly encountered than others. Here are some of the common types of spiders that are often found in and around houses:
Cellar Spiders (Pholcidae)
Also known as "daddy long-legs," these spiders have long, thin legs and are often found in dark and damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces.
Cobweb Spiders (Theridiidae)
Commonly associated with building irregular webs in corners, windows, and ceilings, these spiders include the well-known black widow and brown widow species.
Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)
These spiders are known for their excellent vision, agility, and ability to jump, and they are commonly found both indoors and outdoors.
Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae)
Wolf spiders are robust, agile hunters that are often found on the ground, and they may occasionally enter homes, especially in search of prey.
Sac Spiders (Clubionidae)
These spiders are known for creating sac-like silken retreats and are often found in undisturbed areas indoors.
Orb-weaver Spiders (Araneidae)
While more commonly found outdoors, some orb-weaver species may build webs in sheltered outdoor areas or in the corners of porches and eaves.

Prevention and Control
To manage spider populations in and around the house, it's important to seal entry points to prevent spiders from entering the house. Reduce clutter and remove potential hiding spots indoors. Regularly clean and dust to remove spider webs and their egg sacs. Use insecticides or natural repellents in accordance with safety guidelines to control spider populations if necessary.
Common Spiders You Might See at Your House
Black Widow Spiders
Black widow spiders are venomous spiders found throughout North America, known for their distinctive black body with a red hourglass shape on their abdomen. Their venom is potent and can be dangerous to humans, causing symptoms such as muscle pain, nausea, and, in severe cases, difficulty breathing. While bites are rare and fatalities are even rarer, caution should be taken when encountering these spiders in their natural habitat.
Cellar Spiders
Cellar spiders, also known as daddy long-legs spiders, are members of the Pholcidae family and are commonly found in dark, damp areas such as basements and crawlspaces. They are known for their long, delicate legs and erratic web-building behavior, creating messy, irregular webs to catch prey. Despite their somewhat eerie appearance, cellar spiders are harmless to humans and actually help control insect populations, making them beneficial creatures in the ecosystem.
Sac Spiders
Sac spiders, also known as tube spiders, belong to the family Clubionidae and are named for their unique webs that are typically constructed in a small silk tube or sac where the spider resides. They are known for their swift movements and good eyesight, commonly found in hidden, sheltered locations. These spiders are mainly harmless to humans and play a beneficial role in managing insect populations.
Orb-Weaver Spiders
While more commonly found outdoors, some orb-weaver species may build webs in sheltered outdoor areas or in the corners of porches and eaves. These spiders are mainly harmless to humans and play a beneficial role in managing insect populations.
Woodlouse Spider
The woodlouse spider, also known as the sowbug killer, is a species of spider that preys on woodlice and other small arthropods. It is named for its habit of hunting woodlice, a common prey item found in damp environments where these spiders are often found. This species of spider is not considered dangerous to humans as it typically prefers to avoid confrontation.
Wolf Spider
The wolf spider is a predatory arachnid known for its hunting capabilities, speed, and agility. With excellent eyesight and nocturnal behavior, these spiders actively chase down their prey instead of building webs to catch them. They are found worldwide and are known for their unique maternal care, as female wolf spiders carry their eggs and young on their backs. Despite their intimidating appearance, wolf spiders are generally not aggressive toward humans unless provoked.
Get Rid of Spiders
Don't let spiders take over your home. Take the first step toward a spider-free environment by contacting LIBERTY PEST SERVICES today! Contact Us to schedule an inspection and get rid of those creepy crawlers for good.